
Privacy Policy



Ιnformation of data processing

The protection of our customer’s personal data  is important for  the2birds, therefore we take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data we process and to ensure that the processing of personal data  is made by the2birds and third-parties that process personal data on our behalf always in accordance with the obligations set out in the legal framework (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR 2016/679).

Τ, a private company based in Athens, Perikleous Street, no.56, tel.:210 6524823, website:, as legally represented, informs that for exercise purposes of its business activities treats personal data of its customers in accordance with applicable national law and European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Regulation for the protection Hereinafter referred to as "the Regulation") as in force.

For any matter regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact with us:
Responsible of data processing : Mrs Tsimplakou Evangelia & Mrs Tzavara Margarita, Perikleous Street, no.56


Tel.: +30 210 6524823



Τ created this site to serve its customers. In order to meet the specific needs of each user, it is important for our customer to understand that the user must provide us with specific information about handling the order and communicating with us.

This Privacy Policy and Terms describe the method of collecting data from the website and the use of the data from This Privacy Policy only refers to the personal information you provide to us for your orders on this site and for your registration as a user.

Personal data is your name, postal address, email address and phone number, or a unique device ID number.

The information provided by users of the mentioned website is used by so that users can have direct and effective contact with the store, serve and execute their orders and facilitate transactions with our e-shop. Furthermore, the information that collects through the website aims to measure and analyze the number of visitors and to define customer requirements for more products.  

The Personal Data we process, the purpose and the method of processing has designed this site so that users can navigate without having to reveal their identity unless they wish.

Visitors are asked to provide us with their personal data only if they wish:

- to order a product(s)

- to sign up to USER ACCOUNTCREATION website

- to send email to collects three types of user’s informations: 

(1)  personal data  the user completes  during the ACCOUNT  CREATION as a user and to contact with us 

(2)   personal data that the user gives us in order to execute their order from, uses  the information you provide to us during the electronic submission of the form in order to contact you regarding

(i) the delivery of the order  

(ii) to confirm and identify the customer whenever necessary,


Create USER Account

Personal data is collected when you create an account at, a website managed by the2birds. When you create an account, you may be asked for more information, however the minimum data required for the CREATING USER ACCOUNT will have the required field mark.

The following personal data is required in order to create  an account:

Full name and your email address. Then you must create your personal password. Your username is your email address and your personal password is your personal ID.

The user should not share the personal password with third-parties and not store it  in electronic or printed form. If the passwords are disclosed to a third-party , the user has the obligation to inform . has no responsibility of the illegal use of these data.

Furthermore by creating an account in our e shop the user can edit the data (add or remove data). These data  will be used to complete the order easier every time you visit our e-shop and chose to stay connected. 

Order Execution

Personal data is also collected when you place an order in our e shop In order to complete your order and create an account you may be asked for more details, however will be the minimum for the conclusion and execution of the contract. These personal data are marked with a required field mark. The data will be used to complete the order and the user will need to fill some additional details such as payment method , shipping address or different shipping address (optional), invoice issue details (Tax number, IPO, occupation, name), where necessary. 

As part of the order completion some of these data will be transferred to third-party service providers (Transport Company) who processes personal data on behalf of The transport company may contact you to ask for clarifications and to inform you about the delivery of your products.

The data is transmitted when payment is made to payment providers (banks, PayPal). use high security systems to prevent data leakage from malicious systems ( see DATA SECURITY BELOW).

Access to your Personal Information

Every order processing requires the collection of personal data for delivery or booking of an order. Also, the use of a credit card, the debit of which requires identification of legally identifiable information, is guaranteed in the first and only time. Any supporting documentation and document certifying and declaring the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is controlled only by the responsible person of Your submission of your personal data means that you consent to such data being used by employees for the reasons outlined above. requires its employees and website maintainers to provide their clients with the security level mentioned in this Privacy Policy. In no other case can share with others your personal information without your prior consent, unless this is required by law. Please be aware that under certain conditions, it is permitted or required by law or court decisionto use and disclose your personal data collected online without your prior consent (for example in case of a court decision ).

THE2BIRDS shares your data with:

As part of the order completion some of these data transferred to third-party service providers (transport company) who process personal data on behalf of The transport company may contact with you to ask for clarifications and to inform you about the delivery of your products.

Furthermore the data is accessible to e-shop support companies. ensures their protection under strict confidentiality and continuous control of the appropriate and organizational measures taken by these companies.

Finally, data are transferred when the payment is made to payment providers. uses high security systems to prevent data leakage from malicious systems (see BACK to SECURITY).

Your connection to our site for your payments is secure because our site uses SSL (SecureSocketLayer) technology. SSL technology is based on a keycode for encrypting data before sending it over (SSL) connection.

The security control between the data and the server is based on the unique key code ensuring the safe communication. Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari browsers support the SSL protocol and are suggested to use them  to link to the website of

Finally, we would like to inform you that in connection with any reorganization, restructuring, merger or sale or other transfer of assets, we will transfer data, including personal data and as necessary for the above mentioned business change, and provided that recipient agrees to respect your personal data in a manner consistent with applicable data protection laws. We will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal data and we will inform the affected individuals before the personal data is subject to a different privacy policy.

Security is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data it collects from the website users. has adopted procedures that protect personal data that users submit to the website or provide them by any other way (i.e. by telephone). These procedures protect user’s data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse and change or destruction, also they help to verify that personal data is accurate and used correctly.

Your connection to this is secure because it uses SSL (SecureSocketLayer) technology. SSL technology is based on a keycode for encrypting data before sending it over (SSL) connection. The security control between the data and the Server is based on the unique key code ensuring full communication. NetscapeNavigator, Internet Explorer, MozillaFirefox, Opera, Safari browsers support the SSL protocol and are suggested to use them to link to the website.

We implement the appropriate level of security and have implemented reasonable physical, electronic and administrative procedures to safeguard the data we collect from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise way of processing. Our information security policies are closely aligned with widely accepted international standards and are regularly reviewed and updated whenever necessary to meet our business needs, technology changes and regulatory requirements. Access to your personal data is granted only to personnel or direct associates with the company who are required to have such information for the servicing of orders. In case of a violation of data that contains personal data, the company will obeythe applicable law regarding the Submission of the Data and the Data Protection Authority for the violation.

Keeping your personal data

We retain your personal data on the basis of the following specific criteria, as appropriate:

When processing is required as a requirement under provisions of the applicable legal framework, your personal data will be stored for as long as required by the relevant provisions (10 years for transaction reporting data from tax law).

When processing is processed under a contract, your personal data will be stored for as long as necessary for the performance of the contract and for the foundation, exercise, and / or support of legal claims under the contract.

Please note that when you choose to delete your account on our site, the information you entered when you created your account is DELETED immediately - by taking appropriate technical and organizational measures,unless it is in accordance with the above-mentioned paragraphs for their further preservation.

Processing of children’s personal data

The Company will not collect or process personal data of children under the age of 16 unless a parental consent has been given in accordance with applicable local law. If we realize that a child's personal data was collected in error, we will delete it without undue delay.

Sensitive Data: does not process Sensitive Data

Sensitive data defines personal data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, participation in trade unions, genetic data, biometric data to identify a natural person, health or sexual life, or sexual orientation .

Cookies has the ability to use cookies as part of the facilitation the operation of its services through its website. Cookies are small files (text files) that are sent and stored on the user's computer, allowing websites such as to function seamlessly and without technical abnormalities, collect multiple user options, identify frequent users, facilitate their access to it, and collect data to improve the content of the site. Cookies do not cause damage to users' computers or files stored on them.

We use cookies to provide you with information and to process orders, but also allow us to present you advertising and educational content relevant to your interests and needs. Please keep in mind that cookies are absolutely necessary for the site to operate properly and seamlessly.

Cookies are divided into the following categories:

- Necessary Cookies. They allow to perform basic site features such as adding products to your cart, storing products in wishlist, online payment. Without these necessary cookies, the smooth operation of the e-shop is directly affected, your personal navigation experience is limited, and basic e-commerce functionality is not operating properly.

- Functionality Cookies. These cookies remember your preferences while browsing our site so that we can suggest the right products according to your needs to help you find what you are looking for much easier.

- Performance cookies. Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website.They allow us to see which pages users visit most often, inform us if they encounter a problem while navigating etc. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor since the information is aggregated and hence anonymous. They are only used to improve how works

- Advertising Cookies. These cookies are used to provide ads relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to send ads or offers that best meet your needs, thus limiting unwanted and meaningless promotional messages. They also help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

Third-party vendors, including Google, may display company ads on websites, use cookies, optimize, and display ads based on a previous user visit to www. may also use cookies from your previous visit to its remarketing website.

You may opt out of such use of cookies by Google by clicking here. You can also set up your browser (chrome, firefox edge etc) to notify you each time before a cookie is received and you decide to receive it or discard it. In this case, keep in mind that you may not be able to take full advantage of it. may use Google Analytics features for display ads (e.g., remarketing, Google Display Network display reports, etc.). Using Ad Settings, visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for display ads and also adjust Google Display Network ads. Here are the available Google Analytics exclusion options for the web. complies with the GoogleAdWords Interest-Based Advertising Policy and restrictions for sensitive categories and: and third-party vendors, including Google, use  cookie (such as the GoogleAnalytics cookie) to update, optimize, and display ads, in accordance with previous user visits to its site, to run reports about the way that the2birds's  ads appear, other uses of advertising services, interactions with these ad impressions, and advertising services related to visits to may use the data from Google's interest-based advertising or third-party audience data (such as age, gender, and interests) with GoogleAnalytics.

We reserve the right to change this cookie policy at any time. Substantial changes to this policy cookies will apply once the revised policy cookies are available on our site. Third-party advertisers and other businesses that work together can use their own cookies to collect information about your activities on our site. We do not control these cookies.


Cookies used in e shop


Google Analytics


Used to inform visitors that the site uses cookies


Used to identify registered users


Used to identify visitors


Used to prevent CSRF attacks


AddThiswidget for social media notification


Google Analytics


Google Analytics


Google Analytics


Google Analytics


Google analytics cookie

Know your rights and how to exercise them:

You have the right to access your personal data and we should inform you if we process your data, the reason of processing , the type of your data we keep, to whom we give your personal data, how long we store the data, if there is an automated decision making and for your other rights, such as correcting, deleting, limiting the processing and submitting a complaint to the Privacy Authority.

You have the right to correct / fill in inaccurate / incompletepersonal data by submitting a request to us.

You have the right to delete / the right to oblivion.

You may ask us to delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the above-mentioned processing purposes or you wish to withdraw your consent if this is the only legal basis. We will immediately take the necessary actions (including technical actions) to satisfy the request and we will also ensure that  any third parties using or processing personal data on our behalf will do the same.

You have the right to portability of your data and you may request a copy of the data we process in a readable form or ask from us to forward the data to another processor.

You have the right to restrict the processing. You may ask from us to restrict the processing of your data for as long as your processing objections are pending.

You have the right to oppose to the processing of your data. You may oppose to the processing of your data or request a revocation of consent, and we will stop processing your data unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that override your right.

If you want to check, verify, correct or request the deletion of your personal data, oppose the processing of your personal data or ask us to give you or to transfer a copy of your personal information to another person, send an email to info@

We will answer to your requests for free, without delay, and in any case within (1) month after we receive your request. However, if your request is complex or there are a large number of your requests, we will notify you within one month if we need to take another two (2) months extension within which we will respond to you.

You will not have to pay fees to access your personal information or to exercise any of the other rights unless your application is clearly unfounded or excessive, so we may charge a reasonable fee for administrative expenses or deny to satisfy your request.

Please note that we may ask you for specific information to help us confirm your identity, identify the personal data you are referring to and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that your personal information is not revealed to any person who is not entitled to receive them.

Contact us first:

In case you disagree with the way we handle your personal information, please contact with Ms. Evangelia Tsimplakou or Margarita Tzavara at info@ or at Perikleous 56, Athens. We will review your request and will ensure the resolution of the matter.

If you still disagree with the way we handle your personal data, you can submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority at: or at the address of the Personal Data Protection Authority, Offices: Kifisias 1-3, P.c. 115 23, Athens.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time and we will provide you with a new privacy notice when we making substantial modifications. We can also notify you in other ways at times about processing your personal information. If you have any questions about this privacy notice, please send an email to info@